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δράση χρηματοδοτήθηκε πό τό πιχειρησιακό πρόγραμμα (Ε.Π.)  “Αγροτική νάπτυξη - νασυγκρότηση τς παίθρου 2000 - 2006 ξονας 7” και συγχρηματοδοτήθηκε πό τό Ερωπαϊκό Γεωργικό Ταμεο Προσανατολισμο και γγυήσεων – Τμμα Προσανατολισμο.

This action was financed by the operation project “Rural development Reconstruction of the country 2000 – 2006 Axis 7” and also financed by the European Agricultural Fund Department.


Mount Olympus is the highest mountain of Greece. Its highest peak is Mytikas (2,918 m.), followed by Stefani (or Zeus ΄Throne΄ 2,912 m.), which constitutes the most impressive and steep peak. There follow tens of even peaks, several of which exceed 2,000 m., such as Aghios Antonios (2,815 m.), Kalogeros (2,700 m.), Toumba (2,801 m.) and Profitis Elias (2,803 m.).

Mount Olympus is an area of great biodiversity. To protect this unique legacy, it has been declared first National Park of Greece since 1938. It has also been recognized as ΄΄Part of the International Network of Biosphere stocks΄΄.

 The intense diversity of the relief, the different orientation of the forested slopes and their position with regard to the sea contribute to the presence of many micro-climates. All the above, in combination with the geological substratum and soil, favor the development of special types of vegetation and characteristic biotopes.

 Flora: Overall there are four successive vegetation zones: 1. the Mediterranean vegetation zone with forests of broad-leaved evergreen trees (altitude: 300m. - 500m.); 2. Zone of Beech - fir tree forests and mountainous conifers - predominating species: Black Pine (Pinus Nigra) (500 m. - 1,700 m.). A particularly rich and interesting diversity of trees and bushes can be found in Enipeas΄ valley; 3. Zone of conifers, with the robolo (Pinus heldreichii) as its characteristic species; reaches 2,750 m.; 4. Alpine Zone, with many and rare plant species. This zone is an extended zone of alpine grassland at heights over 2,000 m. Mt. Olympus΄ flora records up to date more than one thousand seven hundred (1700) plant species, approximately 25% of the Greek flora, of which 62 are endemic to the Balkans, and 25 endemic to Mt. Olympus, i.e. they grow only on this mountain and are unique in the world. It is characteristic that in the alpine zone alone, there are more than 150 plant species, half of which are endemic to the Balkans and 12 endemic to Mt. Olympus.

 Fauna: The fauna is characterized by the presence of important, rare and endangered species. In its fauna have been recorded 32 mammal species, such as the wild goat, the deer, the wild boar, the wild cat, the fox, the squirrel, etc. There have been spotted 116 bird species. Of the endangered species, in the forest area nest or feed eleven (11) birds of prey (41% of Europe΄s population), such as the Bearded vulture, the Black vulture, the Bonelli΄s Eagle, the Lesser Spotted Eagle, the Egyptian vulture, the Eleonora΄s Falcon, the Peregrine Falcon, the Goshawk, etc., and seven (7) woodpecker species (70% of Europe΄s population). It boasts also a rare reptile fauna (snakes, turtles, lizards, etc., a total of 22 species), certain amphibians (8 species) in flumes and seasonal lakes, 4 species of invertebrates and a great variety of insects, mostly butterflies, for which Mt. Olympus is most renowned.

The morphology of Mt. Olympus and the rich natural environment with the high peaks eternally crowned with a white veil of mist and low clouds and frequently hit by storms, caused awe and wonder to the ancient Greeks who placed here the residence of the twelve ΄΄Olympian΄΄ gods, and that of the nine Muses in its eastern edges.